Whenever Any Form of Government Becomes Destructive to These Ends

From WarOnGuns Correspondent Edmund M, via email:

Your question this morning regarding a word for rule by racist, feminist, Marxists sent me down a fascinating rabbit hole. Did you know that American English has 48 words that end in “ocracy”? I could not find a count for words that end with the shorter form “cracy”. A term that I learned today is doulocracy or dulocracy, with the linked article applying that term to the Antebellum South and may also apply to current gun control legislation. Doulocracy may explain some of the current animus towards Haitians, with Haiti being a country where slavery was abolished by armed rebellion by slaves. Two hundred years later…

Along those lines, I’ve always maintained that representation without taxation (i.e., “free stuff”) is just the other side of the same tyrannical coin.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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