Not Far from the Tree

Son of suspected would-be Trump assassin arrested on child porn charges [More] That’s the kid who said Daddy hates Trump, as “every reasonable person does”…? Does it tell us anything if, among his Facebook influencers, we see Stephen Colbert, U.S. Democratic Socialists, The New York Times, World Economic Forum, and George Takei?

You Know That ‘Great Reset’ All the Cultural Marxists Say is a White Supremacist Conspiracy Theory…?

I am not an American, have never belonged to any far-right organisation, my views are not conservative with either a big or a little ‘c’, and I have published a number of articles arguing against the conspiracy theory of history; but I have also argued that a virus with the infection fatality rate of seasonal … Continue reading “You Know That ‘Great Reset’ All the Cultural Marxists Say is a White Supremacist Conspiracy Theory…?”


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains Pfizer’s new tech to Davos crowd: “ingestible pills” – a pill with a tiny chip that send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. “Imagine the compliance,” he says [More] Now imagine the noncompliance. Imagine it is armed. Tangentially-Related UPDATE YIKES! World Economic Forum Claims … Continue reading “Imagine”

A Plan Comes Together

Yuval Noah Harari, historian, futurist, and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser, said, “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population” in the early 21st century given modern technologies’ rendering human labor economically and militarily “redundant.” [More] Who does he mean by “we”? And what does he mean by “replace,” which we’ve heretofore been … Continue reading “A Plan Comes Together”

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