A ‘Commonsense Gun Safety’ Law

Russians Living In Estonia To Have Guns Forcibly Confiscated By The Government [More]

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Then again, this didn’t help.

And it’s not like governments don’t do what they want when war is perceived as existential and thus total.

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A ‘Commonsense Gun Safety’ Law”

  1. A lot of those former chunks of the USSR have a common problem: lots of ethnic Russians. As the people of Ukraine and Moldova have found out, those ethnic Russians tend to think of themselves as Russians first. IOW, a ready made “fifth column.” I wouldn’t trust them being inside the country armed either, but following your “custodian” rule, I’d be seeing how many of them would like a free ticket back to Mother Russia. After that group were gone, I’d be loading the rest on army trucks and driving them to the border whether they wanted to go or not.

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