A ‘Pro-Gun’ Democrat

I hope everyone in West Virginia sees this for what it is….. Joe Manchin is NOT a supporter of the 2nd Amendment. And, assuming he truly believes what he is saying here, he is not very smart on the right to bear arms issue. If you allow ATF to redefine congressional statutes as they please and change course at will, then what’s to prevent ATF from later declaring via regulation that “semi-automatic rifles like AR-15s” are really really “machine guns” that need to be registered under the NFA. [More]

And there are still idiots ostensibly on “our side” out there saying the bump stock ban is “just about a stupid piece of plastic.”

Typically, the same bloviating morons who say “The Second Amendment GIVES us the right” and “Enforce existing gun laws”…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A ‘Pro-Gun’ Democrat”

  1. There used to be Ivory Billed woodpeckers. Some say they still exist, putting forth grainy images collected by trail cams and drones as proof. Pretty much like the case for the existence of Sasquatch.

    And so it is as well for the existence of the fabled pro gun Democrat. Chalk up their likely extinction to destruction of their political habitat.

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