Mass. Destruction

Legislature moves toward stricter gun laws in wake of Supreme Court decision Live fire for licensing, new list of gun crimes proposed [More]

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I see that vacuous cud-chewer holding the sign and wonder if she even knows who John Parker was.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Mass. Destruction”

  1. Death to Massachusetts. That place has long been a one party banana republic, and full blown tyranny is inevitable as we come down the stretch to the collapse. There are a few remaining Heritage Americans trying to live there. They are really pressing their luck by remaining in that place. The only real options left to them will be non-compliance in the short term and judicious exercise of armed self defense only in the most extreme circumstances, which is really unacceptable. I wish all of you behind enemy lines the best of luck, you WILL need it.

  2. If Capt. Parker and the Lexington militia unit he lead had had the gift of seeing the future and knew what Massachusetts would look like today, would they have bothered to heed Paul Revere’s alarm and gotten our of bed in the early morning darkness of April 19, 1775?

    I’m not sure I would have.

    Still, the republic the founders gave us has had a pretty good run before the Progressives in FDR’s administration started us on the slide to our downfall.

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