An Authority Unto Themselves

F—in’ traitors. How is this not judicial insurrection?

In other words, they agree with Democrats and all the “commonsense gun safety law” groups.

Are there still any doubters?

Who aren’t morons or just lying about it…

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

5 thoughts on “An Authority Unto Themselves”

  1. Could this then be used by any State, for any Supreme Court decision?
    As in “Trump can’t be on the ballot” and the SC got it wrong.
    Boy, howdy does this open Pandora’s box.

    1. Good point. Unless slapped down immediately and hard, this could be the catalyst that starts a judicial inurrection anvalanche.

  2. Black robed pirates at EVERY judicial level have been ruling as they pleased based on their personal and political agendas for decades. This is NOT NEW. It’s just become more blatant.

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