And They All Took Jets Over to Do It

Last summer, I reported that A British group of eco-zealots group called “The Tyre Extinguishers” were active in this country and claimed they’ve deflated tires on dozens of SUVs in several major cities, including New York, Chicago, and the Bay Area. The group appears to be back again this spring, and vandalized over 40 SUVs in the Boston area. [More]

In Democrat cities that embrace their nonsense…?

Tommy Lee…?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “And They All Took Jets Over to Do It”

  1. I would not be surprised if the actors in Boston turned out to be radicals from Emerson College. The target area was the ultra wealthy Beacon Hill Neighborhood that also hosts the Massachusetts State House and one of John Kerry’s smaller $10 million Louisburg Square townhouse homes. During the BLM riots in 2020, Boston Police detached officers from the active riot in front of the State House,( I listened to the call on a P25 Scanner) to defend the Beacon Hill residents from menacing people in the street calling them names with a bullhorn. There has been no mention that I have seen of video/photos of any suspects despite the extensive amount off vandalism performed in the area. Not a single doorbell camera or security video in the whole neighborhood I suppose. They have it coming to them anyway.

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