Another Great Reason to Turn in Those Guns!

Virginia legislative committees approve bills allowing even serial killers to seek release [More]

So much for the law when the inmates run the asylum.

What kind of “ocracy” is run by psychopaths?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Another Great Reason to Turn in Those Guns!”

  1. Kakistoctacy is government by the least qualified.
    There appears to be no word for government by the most qualified, nor a definition of who the most qualified would be. Governments in the United States appear to have many law school graduates, but that may not be the best qualifier based on the number who are unfamiliar with the limits of government defined by U.S. Constitution or are familiar and willfully ignore them.

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