Back to the Drawing Board

SCOTUS denies vacating 2nd circuit stay in Antonyuk, but says @GunOwners “should not be deterred by today’s order from again seeking relief if the Second Circuit” gets it wrong! [More]

But…but…but she was a hunting buddy, every bit the gun owners’ pal as Fudds for Biden.

What have we learned?

[Via Jess]


GOA elaborates.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Back to the Drawing Board”

  1. Your question is purely rhetorical but, we have learned nothing, nada, zero….as shown also by that ‘real deal’ Mr. Crenshaw.

    1. “We” didn’t learn it with “true champion of the Second Amendment” (according to the NRA), Democrat Sen. Harry Reid. Why would we expect low-information gun owners to vote against “real deal” Dan Crenshaw?

  2. GOA is interpreting Justice Alito’s commentary to say, “We’re going to give the Second Circuit a chance to clean their own house, but if they don’t or they take too long, come back to us.”

    Call it a warning instead of the firm spanking the Second Circuit probably needs and deserves.

    My worry is that SCOTUS is soon going to be inundated with 2A cases from multiple circuits, what with Oregon passing Measure 114, Illinois passing their new AWB, New Jersey passing a new AWB and restricting carry, and New York still ignoring the very precedent they lost. The Court isn’t likely to accept every one, and the devil is in the details — the bad laws are just different enough that one ruling won’t affect all of them.

    But it’s better then a flat “No.”

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