Guns now deadlier due to tiny attachments made by 3-D printer [Watch]
They say that like it’s a bad thing…
And like the Founders didn’t consider “every terrible implement of the soldier” to be “the birthright of an American,” and “necessary to the security of a free State.”
See, here’s the thing– I know I can be trusted not to abuse my right to arms, and so can everyone I’m friends with.
So what do we do about those who can’t?
The answer certainly isn’t controlling you and me.
And the genie is out.
[Via 1Gat]
The thing is, if the NFA and Hughes Amendment were to go away, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be putting a full auto switch in my Glock.
I’d be shopping for an MP5K.
A little dark humor. In Chicago, daylight savings time is when they set the Glocks ahead.