But No One’s Talking about Taking Your Guns

State Representative Wendell Gilliard (D-111) announced that he will pre-file legislation to ban many commonly-owned rifles, shotguns, and handguns that law-abiding citizens use for self-defense and sport, and require current owners to surrender them. [More]

Well, he won’t personally

At least he states up front what he’ll “allow” us to keep.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

11 thoughts on “But No One’s Talking about Taking Your Guns”

  1. I’ll see his musket”.
    I’ll raise him with “flintlock grenade launcher”.
    There were matchlock models too.
    They might have been called “shoulder mortars” back in 1789.

    But if he’s elected I’d say his guards needed to carry these muskets (no rifles either), since that’s all he’s good with Mere Mundanes owning.
    Set an example, and be an example.

  2. David, I don’t know about you, but I think they should just go ahead and ban all of them. Every one.

    Let’s see how that works for them.


    1. AGREED; I could not imagine a better way to get the party started, besides IT RHYME’S.

  3. Since Wendell has no problem posting his home address, [REDACTED], I’d say he won’t be doing the collecting and probably knows his life expectancy is short if collecting starts, which means he is on a suicide mission..

    [That may be his choice but I don’t dox here.–DC]

    1. Your choice, but I fight fire with fire and spare the enemy no quarter.. Good luck with being the nice guy, but my experience shows who finishes last.. -Chas

  4. They didn’t have voting machines or electronic tabulation vote counting either.

  5. The goal of the communists never changes. A disarmed and compliant populace, grazing peacefully at the rulers behest, always ready to work harder, sacrifice everything, believe everything, accept everything. They’re right out in the open now, they want us to buy into this stuff, or be dead. I have a time understanding people so evil, and comfortable with being evil. How this will play out only G*d knows.

  6. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with “law-abiding, self-defense, and sport.” The sole purpose of 2A is to SHOOT TYRANTS and their armed enforcers in the face…To stop their predations & attacks on freedom, free people, DEAD in its tracks.
    “No free people needs an amendment, to make sure that they’re allowed to protect themselves against criminals.”

  7. Too many proper & restrained responses to Rep. Gonads bill. F*ck off and lead the stack beotch if you truly believe your cause is righteous.

  8. Nothing happens to stop the tyranny until the public is personally affected..So with that, they will take the guns, but at least you have your right to complain ( according to their rules ), they will take your money, but at least they leave you enough to live ( according to their definition of living ), they will take your food, but at least they leave you enough to survive ( according to their definition of survival ). And those who think they are spreading the news that Government isnt your friend, will continue to sound off. ( So long as they stay in the good graces of those who allow it )

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