The Wrong People

The now 49-year-old father of 12-year-old twin girls focuses on the bad guys who end up using the guns, he said. “Guns are not the problem,” said DeVito, who plans to retire next month. “I’m an advocate of the second amendment. At the end of the day, the problem is guns ending up in the hands of the wrong people.” [More]

And there’s only one solution to that. The one nobody wants to acknowledge.

[Via Jess]

Another Reason to Sue Glock

Man just released from prison involved in shooting in St. Pete…Small was firing at people outside with a 9 mm Glock handgun with a 50-round drum for a magazine…a short time later he was spotted firing into a home in the 1600 block of 42nd Avenue South, where a blind elderly man lives…he ran off into a nearby lot on 40th St S. Small reportedly fired two rounds at the officer. [More]

There oughta be a law!

[Via Edmund M]

A Way to Make It Harder

Dettelbach, in the AP interview, declined to comment on the specifics of Card’s case, which an independent commission in Maine is investigating. But he said it is clear that the nation needs to make it harder for people “that everyone agrees should not have firearms, who the law says are not entitled to have firearms, to get them because it’s too easy to get them now.” [More]

But we already know a way.

It’s just that there’s this “due process” thing those who would rule us don’t want to have to follow…

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Herer’s a first step in the right direction, but as long as they’ve got to be let out before they can be declared safe with certainty, expect plenty of lapses.

[Via Edmund M]

An Idea with Room to Grow

Ah, the obvious solution!

Releasing them like this, with a charge that goes off if tampered with, is the only way I can see trusting them without a custodian.

We can even go high tech.

And include everybody!

Hey, if you’re not doing anything wrong, why would anyone but a white supremacist object?

[Via Michael G]

All in the Family

Crumbley’s defense attorney, meanwhile, argued that Crumbley had shown signs of severe mental illness years prior to the shooting, and neither his parents nor school officials did anything to help him. They also argued that he has the potential to be rehabilitated, saying he has participated in therapy every day and is taking medication by his own choice. [More]

Sorry, but what he did is so twisted and evil I’d recommend conclusive proof that he can be trusted with a gun before opening that cage.

A Clear and Present Danger

22-time convicted felon burglarizes homes while on parole for 19 armed robberies [More]

There outghta be a law

And for all the dolts out still saying “enforce existing gun laws,” it’s on you to explain how that works on “the black market,” as well as why you’d obey infringements like a tyrant’s lickspittle rather than defy them like an exemplar of freedom by becoming a “gun criminal.”

[Via Michael G]

A Vibrant Demoncrat

A Nicaraguan man who was deported from the US five times has been sentenced to 19 years behind bars for raping an Ohio woman — claiming that he committed the depraved act because he was “possessed by a demon.” [More]

Brought to you by Pathway to Citizenship Democrats and Cheap Labor Republicans.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

And nice to know that in 19 years (less with “good behavior,” i.e., if he doesn’t rape any non-existent women) he’ll be safe to release.

[Via Michael G]

Failure All Around

“We are sorry the system failed you.” [More]

If I smother someone to death can I blame “the system”?

And does Youngkin really think that sucking up will earn him appreciative kudos?

Yes, of course, if someone can’t be trusted without a custodian that should mean the custodians assume a legal duty for his care and his welfare. But guess who doesn’t want that.

Funny, what Youngkin won’t take a stand on, like “red flags.”

But hardly surprising.

[Via Mack H]

Who Will Judge the Judges?

The public defender’s office also filed a motion explaining that Bouzy’s mother tried to get her son mental health treatment but failed. They say the mother tried to Baker Act Bouzy days before he hit deputies, but for some reason, the court rejected his mother’s request twice. Before that, there were 15 Baker Act proceedings in his criminal record that his lawyers point to as evidence of his mental illness. [More]

But…but…but licensing. Registration…

I was going to say anyone who can’t be trusted with a car, but it looks like we also need to add “with a gavel”…

[Via Edmund M]

Spawn of Democrats

“How reckless and life changing that is to shoot into a crowd of thousands of people,” Bercaw said. [More]

How evil and retarded.

How indicative of where racist Democrat social policies, incentives, and rule lead.

Then again, I probably just can’t conect to humanity.

There’s a reason why the men behind the curtain have premeditatedly mass engineered swarms who collectively and individually can’t be trusted without a custodian.

[Via Edmund M]

A River in Egypt


That’s one hell of a tightrope to walk, weighing familial love and guilt against denial, justifiably fearing police overreactions, and ensuring due process-respecting interventions.

There oughta be a law.

[Via Jess]

With Friends Like These…

Corporate Media Conspicuously Quiet After Memphis Man Kills Four in Multi-Location Rampage [More]

No one criticizes the DSM more than I do, but that is simply not so.

Then there’s this:

Laws, if enforced, would have prevented him from owning the firearm he used to shoot women and girls.

No, they would not have. They couldn’t have unless, like the gun-grabbers, your contention is that citizen disarmament edicts work to stop chronic criminals.

They don’t.

Only one thing could.

Credible gun influencers have a responsibility to know better than to parrot the NRA’s/NSSF’s “Enforce existing Intolerable Acts” crap.

Jam Session

How a Second Amendment case at the Supreme Court is putting gun rights groups in a jam [More]

That’s one way to spin getting your usurping @$$ handed to you…

“If someone is dangerous enough that society can’t trust them with a gun, they should be behind bars − it’s that simple,” Pratt said.


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