No Reason We Can’t Have Both

Well, there is ONE reason: Democrats.

I should have said no Constitutionally valid reason.

The Old One-Two

Here’s the jab.

And here’s the punch:

Dems gotta be stunned…

I’d say things got significantly more dangerous for Trump, especially if it uncovers suppressed evidence leading to why the J6ers believed all those claims we’ve been assured were “baseless.”

[Via Michael G]

A Senior Moment

From yesterday’s Bondi hearings what became abundantly clear is Democrats don’t want DOJ looking into their shenanigans.

I wonder what political connections and communications will emerge…

[Via Michael G]

Adventures in Baselessness

Let’s hope this gets Mike Lindell out of bankruptcy and allows him to smother some deserving souls with HisPillow.

Then let’s hope an honest investigation reveals what most of us have had plenty of cause to suspect, with the attendant repercussion on laws and appointments enacted over the last four years.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Bipartisan’ Is

“In 2000, before the general election, I introduced a bipartisan resolution to amend the Constitution and abolish the Electoral College.” [More]

How could it have been “bipartisan” if the only co-sponsor was a Democrat and it was never voted on?

Lest Ye Be Judged

AZ Judge Recuses Himself From ‘Fake Electors’ Case After Emails Surface Demanding Judges Defend Kamala [More]

The real scandal here is that emails had to “surface.”

I will say that bit about Kamala being “promiscuous with generals in the Situation Room” would probably make for a pretty lucrative porno movie.

[Via Michael G]

‘Our Democracy’

The left wants to get rid of this system not for democracy’s sake, but so it can turn the U.S. into something it was never meant to be: A country where states don’t matter and an all-powerful central government, unencumbered by constitutional limits, has control of every aspect of our lives. [More]

The only time they scream about “home rule” is when they want to undermine preemption on guns.

[Via bondmen]

Poll Positions

Top Leftist Online Pundits Are Reportedly Hemorrhaging Subscribers Following Kamala’s Decisive Defeat [More]

My favorite pompous dolt was YouGov’s Paul Smith, who smugly predicted:

We think Kamala Harris will firstly, uh, win the popular vote by millions, but more importantly, the Electoral College 0:… we think the most likely result is that she’ll win 292 Electoral College votes to 246 for Donald Trump.

If we really want to talk about a “Pollster’s Brave Call,” Mark Walters of Armed American Radio has made no bones about declaring and defending “312” and the popular vote for for Trump in the weeks leading up to the election.

[Via bondmen]

Arizona, Take Off Your Rainbow Shades

Kari Lake’s Senate race and some House races are still not counted. This is outrageous since nearly every other state is done counting. Here is what you can do: Check your ballot status!

Statewide: go to

Maricopa: go to [More]

Yeah, WTF? What’s the (credible) excuse for this?

If you’re from there, do it. If you know someone from there, tell them.

[Via Michael G]

The Shoe’s on the Other Foot

“I hope in the coming days someone is able to explain how we had record turnout but 18M fewer votes than 2020. Both of those things can’t be true,” concurred the prominent pro-Democrat account Mueller, She Wrote. [More]

That’s what we’ve been questioning for years only to have you lot call us deniers and worse. It’s almost like the ubiquitous “baseless” rebuttal was baseless, and those 18M votes were fabrications.

Now explain how the Republicans managed to infiltrate all those Democrat urban strongholds and seize control of the results with everyone watching and no one noticing.

[Via WiscoDave]

Survey SAYS…

“If this is accurate, and if anybody is accurate, it’s likely to be Ann Selzer in the Iowa poll, if this is accurate it implies that Harris might be winning Iowa,” Rachel Maddow gushed. “The View” panelists declared Selzer “always right,” and her track record was billed as “incredibly solid” on CNN. [More]

It’s a hopeful sign that enough voters were not discouraged from turning out by the PSYOPs talking points parroted by the DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

Unburdened By What Has a Been

Looks like a blowout to me… [More]

As the rest of the states are announced, we’ll see how close Armed American Radio’s Mark Walters 312 electoral votes prediction turns out.

Speaking of which:

  • Election day coverage with Reporter Neil McCabe and journalist David Codrea, Dr. John R. Lott-Part 1
  • Election day coverage with Reporter Neil McCabe and journalist David Codrea Part 2

Doomsday Scenario

That’s because “2020 Census Overcounted Democratic States, Undercounted GOP States.”

In a nutshell, the 2020 Census Post Enumeration Survey shows they f’d it up, giving “Blue” Colorado, Rhode Island, and Minnesota one undeserved electoral vote each, and taking one away from Texas, and one, arguably two away from Florida.

It’s hard to believe that was just a “screw up,” especially considering who appointed the Census Bureau director. It’s also hard to believe House Republican lawmakers haven’t been loudly leading the charge to fix this, and that we’re just hearing about this the day before the election.

[Via Jess]

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