Coming Soon, to an Asylum Near You

The city of Portland, Maine, raised property taxes on Monday in order to provide more housing for asylum seekers and homeless people, WGME reported Tuesday. The plan will cost the city $9 million, which has increased property taxes by 4.8%… [More]

Prepare to reap the vibrancy!

And as former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson has declared, the millions of illegal immigrants in this country have  “earned the right to be citizens … An earned path to citizenship for those currently present in this country is a matter of, in my view, homeland security to encourage people to come out from the shadows.”

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

I mean, I have that on good authority

Ask What Our Country Can Do for You

Askandi, who’s Mexican American, attended the protest with her son, who’s also Persian American, because she said she’s become afraid after gunmen targeted people of color in Buffalo, N.Y., less than two weeks ago and in El Paso in 2016. [More]

So they came here with the understanding of the role of government they were indoctrinated with, and now want to impose what they fled on the people who took them in.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

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