Criminal Chicago Alderman Represents All Politicians Behind Citizen Disarmament

With the “Long Line of Chicago, Illinois Leaders Found Guilty of Corruption,” Al Capone’s got to be looking up from the pit and wondering what the hell he did that was so wrong — aside from his choice of gang to be part of. [More]

Life in the clown world corruptocracy… except nobody’s laughing.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Criminal Chicago Alderman Represents All Politicians Behind Citizen Disarmament”

  1. Birds of a feather……

    Given the reputation that the Democratic party has built for itself in Illinois over many generations, why would anyone who values their reputation want to associate with them in the first place? The very best you could hope for is become a laughing stock of the Don Quixote persuasion while tilting at the descendants of the Daley gang.

    Nope. If anyone has any sense at all, the only reason they would join that group is if they didn’t give a rats a$$ if people thought they were corrupt as long as they got “a piece of the action.”

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