Doing the Job Government Can’t Do — Yet

They tell me that “your content has violated our Misleading Content policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page blah, blah, blah”. Whatever. [More]

I confess I know next to nothing about this blog– I saw a post about censorship over at WRSA and that caught my interest seeing as how that’s exactly the reason I had to go through all the hassle of abandoning my Blogspot home of 17 years and starting this continuation blog. I see he, too, is the victim of a new Google censorship focus, which means no matter what he does, there are no assurances that work he spends portions of his life on won’t be summarily removed with no warning and no recourse.

Fortunately, that most invaluable of resources, the Internet Archive/ Wayback Machine* had his back on this one. I don’t see what the problem was with it, but then again, I saw no problem with what I posted either.

I’ve been throwing some money their way once a year because I do find them so indispensable. Case in point: All my Examiner “Gunwalker” stuff would be gone from the net if not for them. And doesn’t that tell you just about everything you need to know about the DSM

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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