The Genius That is Phil George

“By adopting this ordinance, the Borough Council will make it clear that our public buildings, such as our schools, our library and our community center, should be free from the dangers of unlicensed, poorly trained or troubled gun owners, while accepting our law enforcement officers who are doing their duty.” [More]

Because everyone’s safer with “Only Ones“!

And speaking of duty

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Genius That is Phil George”

  1. But David, this is New Jersey, and therefore an extremely reasonable concern.
    If you recall, New Jersey is the state where the average citizen is so galactically incompetent that he cannot be trusted to operate a service station pump himself.
    You wouldn’t give a nuclear football to an octogenarian dementia victim, would you? Well imagine an entire state of octogenation dementia victims too incompetent to operate gas pumps, and that’s what you’ve got in New Jersey.

    1. And those demented fools apparently support barring them from touching a gas pump as well as exhibiting a penchant for erecting Goldman-Sachs poobahs to run (ruin?) their lives.

      Happiness was NJ in the rear-view mirror.

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