Elephants’ Graveyard

If you exclude African-American killers from the US crime statistics, our murder rate drops to the middle of the European pack. The left has no answer for this and for political reasons, cannot confront it with destroying a large base of their urban voting block. So they use gun control as a proposed patch to the problem except IT DOESN’T WORK. [More]

That gets back to the elephant in the room too many with influence have feared pointing out.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Elephants’ Graveyard”

  1. No problem. With obvious blacks and latinos being booked as “white”, pretty soon the pfficial statistics will look as bad as our owners want it to look.

    Disclaimer: I do not have John Lott’s or similar research and analysis background, but I got my Master’s in Aerospace Engineering in 1994, and my daily work has been revolving around statistical research for the past several years.

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