FBI ‘Nail Gun Shooter’ Perfect Suspect for Administration Supporters to Exploit

Why the J6 “insurrectionists” did not come armed has still not been explained and remains as confounding as why a suspect armed with an AR-15 would bother shooting into an FBI field office with a nail gun. But that’s not as important to those who would tar half their countrymen with the brush of traitor. [More]

One way to chill criticism of the FBI is to conflate anyone who does with violent, hateful, and dangerous domestic extremists who need to be disarmed.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

5 thoughts on “FBI ‘Nail Gun Shooter’ Perfect Suspect for Administration Supporters to Exploit”

  1. Kabuki Theatre Episode Number 734.

    I wonder if these clowns are actually inteligent enough to realise we are not fooled… or amused? Prolly not, cause they keep making moves out of the same playbook.

  2. Is nobody reading this the way I’m reading this?
    He brought a nail gun because he thought it would help him defeat bulletproof glass.
    Not to shoot people with — that’s what he brought the rifle for.

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