5 thoughts on “Following the Road to Ruin”

  1. I have mixed emotions about the Ukrainian people, how their country came to be, and the fix they now find themselves in.

    As in most problems involving foreign affairs, its best to start out with the fact that they’re not Americans with a funny accent.

    But….. One undeniable fact you cannot argue with. They are making the Russian Bear bleed like no one has done for close to a century. The Russian tanks, aircraft, and infantry they destroy are tanks, aircraft, and infantry that we wont have to deal with down the road, when as the Eagle driver said in “Red Dawn”, “Two biggest kids on the block. Eventually they had to fight.”

    “That’s one less thing.” — Forrest Gump

    1. I’ll sleep so much better, secure in the knowledge that a peer adversary will have fewer conscripted prisoners and antique APCs.
      And every Bradley, HIMARSs, javelin, or artillery shell that they use, destroy, or sell to terrorists is one that we won’t have available to us if that day ever comes, or alternatively available to those terrorists to use against us. Along with how many hundreds of millions of dollars?

  2. Just a test. Your article two down about LaPierre seems to be eating comments and just throwing them away. (Your article one down has no comment area at all, so this comment is here instead.)

  3. Putin and Zelenskyy have more in common than they differ. They’re both thugs and grifters but Zelenskyy has better PR people and conquered America’s Soccer Mom Constituency. RIP, Gonzalo Lira.

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