From the Same People Who Claim Guns* Don’t Protect

Democrats claim walls don’t work and are racist, except when they think they need them. Ahead of Biden’s state of the union address on Tuesday night, the fence has gone back up at the Capitol Building. The same fencing Democrat put up after J6. [More]

I can’t find it now, but years ago I blue-skyed the premise for a television movie script titled State of the Union in which “terrorists” were going to destroy the Capitol with everybody who was anybody in the three branches and military inside (this was long before Designated Survivor). It was going to segue back and forth between investigators finding things out and perpetrators advancing as the climax approached.

There were two alternate endings, one where they succeeded and one where they were stopped, and it was up to the viewing audience during the final commercial break to call the corresponding toll-free number (yeah, this was before widespread internet) to “vote” on who “won.” I figured it would be kind of an interesting commentary on public sentiment with government where nothing got hurt except ruling class feelings of arrogance and invulnerability.

I didn’t have the juice to make it happen then and I don’t now. Still, if anybody who does wants to, I’d love to help.

[Via bondmen]

* I mean in private hands, of course, for those who feel compelled to remind me that guns are inanimate objects.


Looking at this in retrospect, if anybody ever tried making this now, I fear the motive would be to smear “seditious conspirators,” to show overwhelming support for our Democrat leaders, and to ID everyone who voted “wrong” for special scrutiny.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “From the Same People Who Claim Guns* Don’t Protect”

  1. No contest.
    I’ll never forget being in the movie theatre in 1996 for the premiere of “Independence Day.” When the aliens blew up the White House, the audience rose to its feet and cheered. And Clinton was president.

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