‘Outrageous and unacceptable’: Biden slams GOP for standing with NRA in wake of Alabama, Kentucky gun violence [More]
Who he was slamming were the tens of millions of gun owners whose interests they say they represent.
[Via Jess]
Notes from the Resistance
Biden stood with the actual trans killer.
America doesn’t have a gun problem. It has a democrat problem.
What many on the Left don’t understand, but they’ll come around if/when NRA folds like a KGB officer’s cheap suit, is that the NRA has no political power whatsoever.
The power lies with the NRA membership.
What NRA was able to do was to mobilize the many with those infamous orange post cards.
The NRA members that mattered, the ones that actually mailed in those postcards, wrote letters, and voted on that “single issue”, will not just fade away. They either already have or soon will shift their support to SAF, GOA, JPFO, or the like.