Gun Prohibitionist Warren Shows Creepy Hypocrisy by Minimizing CEO’s Assassination

The unfortunate CEO is a bellwether of what’s coming if Marxist citizen disarmers have their way. Elizabeth Warren and fellow gun prohibitionists are clearing that way. [More]

What’s the difference between mainstream Massachussetts Democrats and in-your-face Marxists?

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Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Gun Prohibitionist Warren Shows Creepy Hypocrisy by Minimizing CEO’s Assassination”

  1. Mike answered that one.

    An “in-your-face Marxist” has an AK47 and is willing to use it.

    Give her some time. “Pocahontas” Warren just needs a bit more frustration and she’ll pop her cork for sure.

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