Harassment Lawfare

Families sue Kentucky gun shop that sold AR-15 used in 2023 bank shooting that killed 5 [More]

How dare River City Fireams clerks not have magic mental powers to know that Democrat gun prohibitionists are violent lunatics waiting to happen?

Natural sympathy for the families does not give them a right to infringe on ours, and when they try, they need to be repelled just like any aggressor with delusional motives.

I wonder how ambulance chaser Tad Thomas and the partners over at Romanucci & Blandin look in halter tops and faux leopardskin hotpants as they solicit motorists…

And I wonder if their Everytown johns are ever going to be slapped with a nuisance lawsuit and court sanctions for continually ignoring PLCAA…

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Harassment Lawfare”

  1. In a world that scans headlines looking for a story worth reading, headlines are often the only part of the story that some people see.

    Note that in the first paragraph, the people were killed by a man wielding an AR-15. But in the headline, the people were killed by a “shooting.”

    “Families sue Kentucky gun shop that sold AR-15 used in 2023 bank shooting that killed 5”

    So amid this cloud of blame shifting, the obvious culprit becomes the shop that sold the AR-15?

    Those who look for “root causes” these days have a tendency to lose their way if it looks like fixing that root cause is either hard or expensive or both. Punishing a “shop” for the misdeeds of one of its customers is cheaper that incarcerating the shooter. So they don’t.

    We’re stuck in a world where the words of one of their patron saints are but a vague memory.

    “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” — JFK.

    I guess it’s left to the rest of us to make their attacks on RKBA as difficult and as expensive as we possibly can.

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