Lethal Tech

Everytown Describes Lever-Actions as ‘Deadly Innovation’ [More]

Of COURSE they’re talking about taking your guns.

Every “compromise” let’s them advance without a fight.

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Lethal Tech”

  1. Speaking of “deadly innovations”, they’d wet their pants if they saw what German stormtroops carried in WWI.


    “Many weapons were specially modified for stormtrooper use. The P98 Luger was perfect for close combat in general, but its small magazine was quickly depleted. The stormtrooper Luger, though, was outfitted with a 32 round drum magazine, a longer barrel and a shoulder stock. It was basically a semi-automatic carbine by that point. Even more effective was the MP18 submachine pistol. Firing 400 rounds a minute, it was the perfect trench clearer.”

    So let’s check off a few boxes: semi-automatic pistol/carbine, high capacity magazine, shoulder stock. It would seem that the “assault weapon” that Josh Sugarman discovered in the 1990’s was in fact over 70 years old at the time he wrote his infamous VPC whitepaper.

    Yet another example of those all too willing to lecture us on firearms being very late to the party and still not knowing squat about the subject they wish to teach.

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