Ludicrous BART Campaign Increases Dangers to Passengers with Cards Against Attackers

Amidst this backdrop, we’re supposed to believe passing cards to third parties won’t do more than aggravate an already insane situation? [More]

Being terrorized on the train by a cleaver-wielding maniac released by the system? No problem, just hand a “You Got Me?” card to a total stranger! And remember to keep voting Democrat to “feel” safe!

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Ludicrous BART Campaign Increases Dangers to Passengers with Cards Against Attackers”

  1. There is only one soluttion for this madness: FORCE all he dweebs who, in their drug-addled states of “mind” came up with this terror to RIDE the BART daily for at least one month. No spcial tags, ID cards, suits, uniforms. Just blend in with what remains if the crowds braving the BART daily. Make certain each one of hese misfits carries a deck of the cards.
    Now,let’s se how long before some of them are attacked, then see how well the cards work.

    Nuthin like taking the clowns and making their own medicine go down…….

    I tell ya if i weren’t for eedjits in gummit these days there would not BE any gummit. Maybe this plan of mne will begin to reduce the cncenraion of eedjits in gummit. Maybe…

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