Meanwhile, Over at the Cult of Death…

Texas A&M Promotes ‘Self-Managed Abortion’ Event to Students [More]

As regulars here know, there have been a few times in the past month where various personal priorities have kept me from posting here for a day or so. One of those priorities was the birth of my first grandchild, a beautiful and healthy little girl, four weeks ago today.

Her birth was premature, by six weeks, and she was in the NICU until recently.  She’s actually still not even “scheduled” to be born until nine days from now, which I guess makes her fair game for childless Stacey Abrams and communion-taking Catholics Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

There is no question she is a human being, and that the taking of her life, if she had not come early, would have been an act of premeditated murder. There is also no question that the development of her nervous system would make the “procedure” an act of agonizing medieval torture rivaling the disembowelment and drawing and quartering of William Wallace.

Oh, and there is also no question that she is a female.

I guess the only question I have left is since the people doing this are overwhelmingly the ones enabling those who would disarm and rule or kill me and mine if they could, why should I care if they wish to cull their next generations of voters?

[Original story I riffed off of submitted by Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Meanwhile, Over at the Cult of Death…”

  1. Congratulations on your new granddaughter, what a pleasant surprise and an enduring joy!
    I’ve always thought about sons Uday and Qusay as young children, it’s so nice to see, under your leadership and direction, they’ve grown up and have extended the family line into a new generation., at least for one of them!

    Clicking on their name in your post I’m lead to to a violence wishing woman who has not at all aged well and lo and behold has been Twat banned butt her FakeBook account warns us of her ilk with this link so she knows what her hive is up to and shares it with us! That’s worth a few breaths in a baritone sax I guess.

    As we age my wife reminds me to add 10, 15 and more often 20 years to any past event in current discussion so I will think of Uday and Qusay in these terms going forward, wishing them the very best in a world gone mad. The Queen is Dead.

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