New Lies for Old

Now it appears that the successor word to “gun safety” will be “gun responsibility”. This comes from Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey. [More]

How “centric” of him.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

6 thoughts on “New Lies for Old”

  1. Naw, this is great. Example:
    “We find the defendant, Alec Baldwin, IRRESPONSIBLE.”
    Who could disgree?

  2. McConaughey: There is a difference between control and responsibility. The first is a mandate that can infringe on our right; the second is a duty that will preserve it.

    First thought: There is indeed a difference between control and responsibility, but mandating the “responsibility” is a poor smokescreen for control. Especially since the controllers’ ideas of “responsibility” are verbatim the same demands they’ve made for decades.

    Second thought: He’s wrong. The difference between control and responsibility is that the first is a mandate, the second is voluntary. Call it a duty if you want, but it is still voluntary. The second it’s mandated, it is no longer a “responsibility”; it is now a “control”.

    The dancing monkey might think it’s a distinction without a difference, but the rest of us know that distinction makes all the difference.

  3. Sounds like more of Frank Luntz’s work. He advocated for the original switch from “gun control” to “gun safety.”

    ‘ A leading communications expert explains how the tactical use of words and phrases influences what we buy, who we vote for, and what we believe, in a volume that encompasses sections ranging from “The Ten Rules of Successful Communication” to “The 21 Words and Phrases for the 21st Century.” ‘

    “The tactical use of words.” Need we say more?

  4. Someone should locate and publish McConaughey’s home address. Let fate take it’s course.

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