Oregon Alert

Two gun bills were filed this week that we think you should know about… a straight-up attack on core gun rights [and a supposedly ] pro-gun bill [that] has the potential to make things even worse for gun owners. [More]

Boquist’s conversion to the Dark Side is complete.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Oregon Alert”

  1. ‘ Two of the sponsors indicated that they did not believe the bill had any chance of moving forward. One called it “virtue signaling” and another said it had no chance of passing but Republicans had to “do something.” ‘


    The Politicians Syllogism:

    “We must do something.
    This is something.
    Therefore, we must do this.”

    Even has its own Wikipedia page.


    Note that “The Politician’s Syllogism” first appears in a politically based British comedy. You would think that people of the politician persuasion would recognize this cow pie and avoid it like the plague.

    Alas, you would be mistaken.

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