Maybe They Didn’t Hear Right

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Tuesday directed its attorneys to draft a series of ordinances aimed at regulating gun sales and possession in the county, including a ban on the sale of .50-caliber handguns and ammunition in unincorporated areas. Another proposed ordinance would require “buffer zones” between gun/ammunition dealers and “sensitive areas” such as … Continue reading “Maybe They Didn’t Hear Right”

Jojo Krako Permitting

Challenger to NJ’s unconstitutional law granted carry permit (kind of). [More] So the “historical understanding” is that flintlock pistols were to be kept unloaded and locked in the back of the carriage and you could not have them where the “authorities” declared off-limits …? Just like the old days…? Who’s infringin’? We’re forbiddin’!

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

Hoover’s lawyers asked Howard last week to rule that the National Firearms Act, a 1934 law that restricted machine gun ownership by creating a tax and license requirement on them, conflicts with the U [sic] Constitution’s Second Amendment guarantee of a right to bear arms.  [More] If the standard is whether NFA is consistent with … Continue reading “We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident”

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