
What can I say but “Chris Murphy”?

I should go back and retitle this Damned Lie/Truth.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Point/Counterpoint”

  1. These are vets who said they need or get help with their personal finances.

    And “need or get help with their personal finances” could be as simple as “need or get someone who can answer calls for me and make sure my bills get paid while I’m deployed overseas and unreachable“.

    If getting a notarized document saying, “My mom has my authorization to receive financial records and make payments from my account while I am on active military duty,” is enough to lose one’s rights forever, expect more and more veterans to NOT get that document, and watch the bills, collections calls, and foreclosures pile up.

    But then, people like Chris Murphy have never liked veterans, have they?

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