
What can I say but “Chris Murphy”?

I should go back and retitle this Damned Lie/Truth.

Another ‘Gun Sense Voter’

Anti-gun activist attempted to kill Justice Kavanaugh at his home…with a gun – Just remember who the crazy ones really are in the debate over guns. [More]

And Tom Gresham and The Federalist identify a prime inciter…

[Via President Non_Fudd]


What is the possible reason for Ruth Sent Us to take that picture and post it as a “special message” to Kavanaugh’s wife and children? [More]

Because they’re ruthless? (Funny thing is, “thanks” to publicly accessible online filings,  it only took me a few minutes to find some of the names behind this group and where they’re from. If someone not as nice as me wanted to play hardball in terms of publicizing meatspace locations, well, what is that saying regarding turnabout?)

[Via Michael G]

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