Returning to the Ashes

Phoenix City Council approves plan to send hundreds of unclaimed guns to Ukrainian police force – No city or taxpayer funds will be used to transport the weapons, the council agenda item said. [More]

No, but funds will be used to process this, and more will be forfeited by “giving away” what could be sold. If they’re so flush they can afford that, I guess they won’t really be needing any tax increases. Right?

Ain’t it just like Democrats — giving away what’s not theirs and then taking credit for being generous? Exactly the opposite of the way true generosity is supposed to be.

I wonder if this was Yassamin’s big idea…?

[Via TM]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Returning to the Ashes”

  1. What about using those magical serial numbers to trace the guns to their lawful owners and returning their stolen property?

    They would do that for a stolen car, right?

    And then they would hold the car hostage at the impound lot until the victim of the auto theft ponied up the impound fee, right?

    Then again, stolen cars aren’t EVIL!

    “Nevermind!” — Emily Litella

  2. Arizona state law forbids this action. Guns in police custody that can’t be returned to their owners MUST be sold to licensed dealers and the proceeds used to augment their budgets.

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