As Long as There’s No Use for Them Here…

State Reps. Quang Nguyen, R-Prescott Valley, and Selina Bliss, R-Prescott, on Monday requested a “Senate Bill 1487” investigation, named after the process’s initial bill filing, from Mayes as to whether the city’s decision to ship 500-600 seized firearms to the Ukrainian Arsenal of Liberty is legal. [More]

Everything I said when the Council approved this still applies, particularly about Democrat “generosity.”

And everything I said about Miami applies too, particularly about ITAR and citizens protecting OUR border from foreign invaders.

On a side note, what’s with Ducey’s “9,000 pounds of surplus tactical equipment”?

Where are they getting these units of measurement from?

[Via WiscoDave]

Returning to the Ashes Redux

Alan Korwin relates by email that this is a violation of Arizona law, and calls our attention to another interesting demonstration of hoplophobe/guntard “shoulder thing that goes up” incompetence:

I understand he’s got an article in the works and will link to it when it’s up.

And yes:

What about using those magical serial numbers to trace the guns to their lawful owners and returning their stolen property?

Returning to the Ashes

Phoenix City Council approves plan to send hundreds of unclaimed guns to Ukrainian police force – No city or taxpayer funds will be used to transport the weapons, the council agenda item said. [More]

No, but funds will be used to process this, and more will be forfeited by “giving away” what could be sold. If they’re so flush they can afford that, I guess they won’t really be needing any tax increases. Right?

Ain’t it just like Democrats — giving away what’s not theirs and then taking credit for being generous? Exactly the opposite of the way true generosity is supposed to be.

I wonder if this was Yassamin’s big idea…?

[Via TM]

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