‘Show Me the Man, and I’ll Show You the Crime’

“It is disappointing that Attorney General Ellison filed his complaint without ever once talking to us… It’s also worth noting that … we were told by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms that our team members had ‘done nothing wrong’ and had complied with all applicable gun laws.” [More]

Yeah, but Ellison’s communist agenda never let a little thing like innocence slow it down…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “‘Show Me the Man, and I’ll Show You the Crime’”

  1. What this proves is that there are definitely some people with a (D) after their names that need to be put on that proverbial “100 heads list”, and the list needs to be acted on. They are a danger to the United States and mostly to it’s rightful owners, the People.

    And…we need to look into making an addition to that Bill of Rights that prescribes retribution for violating it. Retribution on people who have taken an oath and entrusted with protecting and defending it.

    And there’s only one way to roll back this attitude causing police to be attacked just because they are police. The police need to get really tough on those violators. So tough that the rest of the degenerates considering attacking the police will think twice about it. And when the degenerate’s supporters bitch and moan about “police brutality”, they need to be told summarily to ‘Shut The Fuck Up’.

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