Sobering Thoughts

Prediction: They will issue a ruling addressing the minutia of the procedural rules and punt this back down to the lower courts. They will avoid the issue entirely and thus free and exonerate themselves of holding anyone in the FedGov accountable. [More]

With all the video “gunfluencers” out there getting our hopes up that Cargill will be the beginning of the end for ATF’s “rulemaking” shenanigans, Herschel gives his reasons for believing we could end up disappointed.

Man, I sure hope he’s wrong.

But he’s never not thoughtful.


Looks like I’ll use this post as today’s aggregator:


Supreme Court appears torn over challenge to gun ‘bump stocks’ [More]

Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson we expected. This is what worries me:

Chief Justice John Roberts, like Kavanaugh a potential key vote if the court is divided, said little to indicate which way he was leaning.

Follow Mark W. Smith’s running commentary on X.

SCOTUS Oral arguments: MP3 and Transcript

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Sobering Thoughts”

  1. It’s SCOTUS’s job to make sure the lower courts dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s. And yes, they spend a lot of time sending stuff back down to the lower courts because the lower courts sometimes get creative with the law and the Constitution in addition to screwing up the procedure. Sending stuff back is SCOTUS’s job as well.

    But it isn’t all they do. Consider the following three cases: Heller, McDonald, and Bruen. Now consider how screwed up we’d still be without Heller, McDonald and Bruen.

    Trump’s no prize, but we’re often asked, were we better off under Trump than the current guy? Let’s take that a step further. Are we better off under this court than we were under any other in living memory?

  2. The SCOTUS has a long history of avoiding 2A issues. I’m frankly surprised we got the Heller and Bruen decisions out of them. Eventually the left will succeed in replacing Justice Thomas and other more reasonable justices with their handpicked puppets. When that happens both those 2A rulings will be promptly overturned. The left NEVER gives up, quits or goes away. This means eventually they will win. As long as they are allowed to exist collectivists will ALWAYS seek to destroy freedom.

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