File Under ‘WTF?’

President-elect Trump announces Pam Bondi as his new pick for US attorney general [More]

That would be the same Pam Bondi NRA sued over denial of rights for 18-20-year-olds where the 11th Circuit, contrary to Bruen, “decided that historical sources from Reconstruction are more probative of the Second Amendment’s scope than those from the Founding.”

I can sense the apologists preparing arguments that her job is to defend state law.

I don’t hold any politician to standards I don’t hold myself to. I’d quit a job that required me to do that.

Wouldn’t you?

More words, President Trump?

This is exactly why “Gun Owners for Trump” needs to be more than names to help him get elected but actually be a presence and have his ear when he’s in power.

Related UPDATES:

Will the “gun rights groups” try to rein this in?

An Age-Old Question

However, state legislatures have the authority and prerogative, rooted in the Tenth Amendment, to set and adjust the age of majority as they see fit “for the public good”… [More]


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

does not override this:

This Constitution…shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

It’s so weird– young people in Marx for Our Lives demanding that the government curtail their rights because they’re not mature and responsible enough to claim them.

[Via Antigone]

No Constitutional Reason Justifies Not Recognizing 2A Rights of Young Adults

Anyone who tells you 18-to-20-year-olds are not fully enfranchised citizens entitled to exercise their rights under the Second Amendment is a liar and an enabler of tyranny. [More]

Sending back what should have been a no-brainer makes me wonder which SCOTUS members we’ve been told are 2A-friendly are getting ready to disappoint…

So Much for Holding These Truths to Be Self-Evident…

The Supreme Court on Tuesday sent a challenge to a Pennsylvania law barring people 18- to 20-years-old from carrying guns back to the lower courts for another look in light of last term’s decision in United States v. Rahimi, in which the justices attempted to provide guidance for courts reviewing Second Amendment challenges to restrictions on gun rights. [More]

I know the wheels of justice grind slowly and we have procedures for a reason, but come on...

[Via Jess]

The Games People Play

The Court should not grant certiorari to review at this stage but should permit the ordinary percolation process to continue and reserve its intervention for the point at which, if it comes at all, the courts of appeals are actually divided.” [More]

I understand what they’re doing and why.

It’s not them, it’s a fraudulent power-usurping system that allowed the first infringement to take place and has done nothing since but entrench and assail.

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