Speaking of Fact Checkers

How much do those ABC debate “moderators” make again…?

Let’s hope these guys don’t get in trouble.

[Via Michael G]

Laying the Minefield

George Stephanopoulos recently appeared on CNN with host Abby Phillip and advised the network on going after Donald Trump in the first debate. This is the political director of ABC News advising another media outlet on how to take down a candidate. That is not the role of people in media. [More]

“Journalistic ethics” — Good one!

[Via Michael G]

You Have Been Judged

Rabble-rousing Republicans are running for a handful of Senate seats, including Kari Lake in Arizona, Alex Mooney in West Virginia, Jim Marchant in Nevada, James Craig in Michigan and more. [More]

So they appeal to the rabble…?

…a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people : MOB… a group, class, or body regarded with contempt… ordinary or common people lacking wealth, power, or social status… a disorganized or confused collection of things…

You know, deplorables. Slack-jawed hicks and flyover yokels. And no doubt racists in need of deprogramming.

Take it from more-sophisticated-than-you “real reporter” Tal Axelrod, with his Bachelors Degree in Journalism and no indication on his CV that he knows the first thing about those he casually dismisses as the riffraff, what they know, and what they’re capable of.

Gotta spread those ABC Family Values and signal “progressive” superiority over the very public that keeps parent company Disney’s doors open…

Curious thing though, this universal contempt for the proletariat our betters in the DSM seem to harbor…

Ride the Gravy Train to Equityland

ABC television network devoting two prime time hours to 1619 Project ‘documentary’ arguing for slavery reparations – There seems to be no end to the destructive propaganda emanating from the Walt Disney Company. [More]

It’s what they do.

And this does not bode well for the state of public sentiment and the likelihood of ’24 heralding a return to national senses…

[Via Michael G]

Just Anti-Kidding

“Well, I’ve thought of murder,” Fonda said during cross-talk before her “Grace and Frankie” co-star Lily Tomlin asked her to repeat herself. “Murder,” Fonda said again as the reliably liberal panel burst into laughter. “She’s just kidding,” Behar said hastily, before motioning. “Wait a second… They’ll pick up on that and just run with it. She’s just kidding.” Fonda then gave Behar a long stare that created even more laughter, making it unclear whether Fonda was still joking. Hostin then segued awkwardly to discussing Fonda’s activism. [More]

Imagine if pro-life advocates had said that about how to deal with the other side. They and everyone who did not immediately condemn and eject them would be “canceled” forever.

ABC/Disney and the hags of The View get away with “Just kidding.”

To Be or Not to Be

Gun suicides rose 11% in past decade, linked to cities with lax gun policies: New research [More]

Because everyone knows correlation equals causation and there’s no more reliable research than the kind bankrolled by political extremists with totalitarian agendas! Especially when given glowing reviews by DSM cheerleaders!

Why, every time I think about how the town where I live hasn’t closed the “boyfriend loophole,” I just want to stick my head in the oven– until I remember it’s electric.

[Via Jess]

And Now, the Rest of the Story

A camp counselor confronted the suspected gunman in the lobby of the indoor sports and fitness center. [More]

Any reason ABC News doesn’t mention the staffer “exchanged gunfire” keeping him from entering?

Or is the explanation simply “ABC News“?

[Via Jess]


CORRECTION (June 15, 2022, 11:20 a.m. ET): A previous version of this article misstated the actions of a staff member at the Texas summer camp. The staff member confronted the gunman, but did not exchange gunfire with him.

That doesn’t alter the fact that the ABC story was posted:

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