Bulwark Crew Wishes Biden Would’ve Been More Authoritarian to Prevent Authoritarianism [More]
Professional Never Trumpers double down on making sure everybody hates them.
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
The ever subversive Matt Drudge continues making unreported in kind campaign contributions to the Democrat/Harris/Walz campaign, this time joining forces with “conservative” Matt Labash.
Do they believe we’ll ever vote for Vichycons if they sabotage MAGA or are they really just clandestine Democrat operatives?
HILARIOUS! Bill Kristol Claims He Is Still a ‘Reagan Republican’ and Twitter Collapses In Giggles [More]
Between amnesty for illegals and citizen disarmanent, all effects of Kristol meth abuse, I wouldn ‘t be so quick to laugh.
[Via Michael G]
Trump forgot to include Vichycons. [More]
I came to D.C. to work in the Reagan Administration because (to oversimplify) it was pro-Constitution, pro-U.S. global leadership, pro-military, pro-Israel, pro-democratic capitalism, and pro-American dream. And that’s why I now support the Biden Administration and Democrats. [More]
His journey towards the dark side is complete.
[Via Michael G]
That makes fair the question of those funding the Republicans for Ukraine website: “Who are these guys?” [More]
It’s just another Astroturf venture exploiting a handful of useful idiots hooked on Kristol meth.
“Those planes were filled with actual human beings. People with dignity. People with hopes and dreams. People with names and families. And this Christian man used them as props. He didn’t clothe the naked or feed the hungry. He literally did the opposite.” [More]
Says the subversive who argues they should replace us.
[Via Michael G]