Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

House Democrats Moving on ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban: Targets at Least 45 Specific AR-15 Rifles [More]

The traitor Cicilline is whoring for media attention again. He introduced it last year and the odds haven’t changed.

Prognosis 2% chance of being enacted according to Skopos Labs (details) [More]

0% chance of being enforced without a civil war.

@$$holes are making noise and not telling us anything we don’t already know– they want our guns.  Don’t lose focus on more immediate threats.

[Via @pamnsc]

The Rest of the Story

“You know who didn’t have due process? You know who didn’t have their constitutional right to life respected? The kids at Parkland and Sandy Hook and Uvalde and Buffalo and the list goes on and on.” “So spare me the bulls**t about constitutional rights-” [More]

So “Billy’s mom lets him do it”?

And how did denying others their rights work out for him?

Consider the source.

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