No, he did not and Drudge knows it.
Notes from the Resistance
No, he did not and Drudge knows it.
The message: If you vote for Trump you’re voting for Hitler!
Disregard that Hitler “was, at heart, a left-winger.”
Disregard that Mussolini was, too.
And the observation that it’s counterproductive for Jews to vote for “national socialists” is self-evident.
A Crowd of Republicans Will Join Harris at a Pennsylvania Stop [More]
And not a one of the useful idiot Democrat proxy has-beens and never-weres currently in office or running for election because they are all unelectable.
But it’s all about illusion, isn’t it, DNyuz.com, an “Armenian…site … notorious for plagiarizing content from major news sources, copying articles verbatim and embedding their advertising code for profit… considered questionable due to its lack of transparency, poor sourcing, and use of sources with poor fact-checking records,” which has nonetheless “gained significant traffic after the Drudge Report began linking to it…”
That’s how I found it:
And we’re supposed to believe Democrat enablers are “right of center”?
The ever subversive Matt Drudge continues making unreported in kind campaign contributions to the Democrat/Harris/Walz campaign, this time joining forces with “conservative” Matt Labash.
Do they believe we’ll ever vote for Vichycons if they sabotage MAGA or are they really just clandestine Democrat operatives?
What Drudge says he said:
The string pullers want us to believe Drudge. His psy ops site is so big because they want it to be.
National Enquirer publisher David Pecker was called as the first witness and this is the way it was presented.
Drudge is pure DSM. Anyone who says otherwise is an apparatchik.
Drudge Report, the granddaddy of conservative aggregation, was down 81 percent; [More]
Well, now we know this report is a psyops lie. And if that’s what the public is being told is “conservative,” anyone to the right of it is a de facto raving rightwing extremist.
The timing looks like it’s intended to erode “Republican” confidence leading into the election.
If numbers ARE down, and I’m not just taking the word of agenda pushers for it, let’s take a look at how much of that is algorithm manipulation and suppression. And let’s also look at reading-averse traffic shifting over to video “influencers,” which is a trend I think gun owners need to be real careful with.
Donald Trump compares himself to CHRIST…[More]
In fact, he did not, but that doesn’t stop the ever-subversive Drudge from spreading another election-influencing lie, like last time and the time before.
“Real reporter” Vassia Barba and Mirror UK figure there’s no editorializing in repeatedly prefacing his name with “disgraced former President.” What else would we expect from someone with “a particular interest in social justice issues, which she is chasing with an MA in Race, Media and Social Justice”?
This is foreign election interference.
The story has been out for years now and this is the first she brings it up? And with absolutely no proof?
And following on the heels of this…?
These people are filth.
Then again, as always, Trump does it to himself.
Got the bastard, right?
So what does the story Drudge links to say?
Ransome claimed… She retracted all her claims… Ransome admitted to ‘inventing’ the tapes… No such footage has ever been publicly uncovered.
No matter, the damage has been done in screaming headlines on a site that boasts:
19,112,709 PAST 24 HOURS
529,187,702 PAST 31 DAYS
7,233,707,534 PAST YEAR
Remember when CNN told us he was a “conservative news mogul” ? Just like them, he’s always been a deep state tool.
I wonder if President Trump has learned his “Take the guns first, go through due process second” lesson yet.
Related UPDATE
Sure looks like collusion to me…
[Via Michael G]
Here’s what the “Thug Life” link went to. [More]
The caption under that photo actually reads “Trump rallied with supporters while his rivals debated.” To call Cuban supporters “thugs” is racist as hell, but Drudge’s sell-out usefulness means no one on the left will notice.
Well, it turns out there are photos. And here they are, published for the first time. [More]
And this made the ever-sold-out Drudge.
Sr. Bedoya, the floor is yours:
Admissible evidence? We ain’t got no admissible evidence. We don’t need no admissible evidence. I don’t have to show you any stinking admissible evidence!
Is this really all they want us to need? What honest man wouldn’t rebel against that?
Funny. They don’t invite comments.