Teach Your Children Well

The Chicago Teachers Union has long been quite open about its purpose. It sees itself as the vanguard of a national movement, led by unions like itself, that is textbook Marxism. [More]

And they vote Democrat for a reason.

Hey, it’s not like they have other priorities to focus on… (just in case you want to know why “we need” to import H-1B visa holders…)

[Via bondmen]

OK Groomers

One of the protesters had a sign with images from the curriculum that a local news channel refused to film, saying they could not show the images on television due to their graphic nature. [More]

These are the decision-makers who think this is fine.

And all of us are hostages to paying for this through property and other taxes.

Separation of school and state is going to take a lot more than an occasional school board meeting protest.

[Via Michael G]

Welcome to Sanctuary High, Home of the Fighting Virtue Signalers

Vice principal lets armed gunman into Ohio school to protect them from police: report [More]

Is it really so unfair to wonder if “progressive educator” mindsets and the race of the suspects played any part in the decision, and that a different choice would have been made had they not “qualified”?

Any bets that these same administrators who so mistrust the police also oppose anyone who’s not an enforcer being armed?

[Via WiscoDave]

We’re the Only Ones Kept in Suspense Enough

Uvalde School District Suspends Entire Police Force [More]

Figures a school district that carries its share of fail would do that.

Remember when some idiot grade school teacher who didn’t have a clue on how to encourage order would punish the whole class?

Then again, that’s also what “Only Ones” do to those in lockup to compel group compliance, leaving unstated the implied threat of having vengeful inmates mete out punishment to any who cause disturbances.

[Via bondmen]

For the Children

Youngkin’s proposal would require schools to recognize a transgender student’s gender identity only if the student’s parent had requested it in writing and had legal documentation stating so. Otherwise, teachers cannot refer to students by different names or pronouns. [More]

Parental consent? What a hate-filled fascist, right?

[Via Mack H]

Plain Speaking

I had an understanding that there was a requirement that the law needed to be written so that an ordinary citizen could understand it. How else can you require an ordinary citizen to comply with a law? [More]

Who says the rulers want us to?

And as for the “requirements,” they’re going to have an awfully tough time when reading comprehension has been deliberately degraded in the public schools.

Just perfect!

[Via DDS]

We Don’t Need No Education

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot tells McDonald’s CEO to ‘educate himself’ after he warns of rising crime [More]

Let’s see, “a bachelor’s degree from Duke University, and an MBA from Harvard Business School” vs. a “Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of Michigan”…

What a subject for her to bring up.

I wonder if that dancing puppet would have the actual real-world skills to run a single McDonald’s.

[Via bondmen]

Those Who Can’t

As a teacher, I attended the National Education Association convention last week, and my worst fears were confirmed… From what I observed, the NEA’s goal is for public education to be a training ground for political activism, while demonizing anyone—including students and their families—who does not share those same political and sociological beliefs. [More]

Good grief. How long have you been a teacher? Because I’m not one and I could have told you that decades ago.

[Via Michael G]

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