A Tale of Two Revolutions

In Contrasting Ideals, Faria not only introduces us to key “players” in both revolutions, like Maximilien Robespierre and other Reign of Terror figures like Jean-Paul Marat, whose differences with “Founding Fathers” like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson could not have been more pronounced. For rebellions that seemingly had so much in common at the outset, the goals of those driving them were antithetical. [More]

If you’re not familiar with the teachings of Dr. Miguel A. Faria, Jr., you’ve denied yourself the opportunity of learning from the best. If you are familiar, do yourself a favor by reading this, and your friends a favor by then recommending it to them.

The Light and the Dark

While Light Shined Brightly in One Nation, Darkness Befell the Other! [More]

Dr. Miguel Faria, a great influence on me throughout the years, has a new book comparing and contrasting the American and French revolutions.

You may recall another book of his I reviewed, America, Guns, and Freedom. If you have’t read it, you’re passing up an opportunity to learn from the best.

I just got my copy of his latest in the mail and will find time to read it. I’ll get started, but with my workload and Christmas/New Years plans, it may be January before I finish, which is fine, because I just got the green light from my editor at Firearms News to submit a review.

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