Got Repeatable Results?

A release from Mayor Jones is touting a 15% reduction in overall crime in the city of St. Louis last year compared to 2023. Jones says the 150 homicides in the city last year were the lowest number of murders in the city of St. Louis since 2013, and represents a 43% decrease during her administration. [More]

Now prove a direct correlation between that and anything she did, as opposed to that’s just the way it worked out and a rise can come at any time.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Close Enough

The FBI’s Biden-Era Murder Estimates Are Far Below the Number of Homicides Recorded on Death Certificates [More]

I see government is applying the same meticulous standards it has to keeping track of illegal alien kids, and all those firearms and devices on the NFRTR

[Via Michael G]

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