Our Own Public/Private Idaho

Senate Bill 1291 was introduced in the state Senate earlier this week. The measure would prohibit public contracts with individuals or companies that are boycotting those that engage in or support the manufacture, distribution, sale or use of firearms, and would also require companies that contract with the state to disclose if their policies discriminate against the firearms industry. [More]

I’m wondering how much of this is posturing and how much of it will withstand a legal challenge on First Amendment grounds.

[Via Jess]

After Careful Review

“We’ve received valuable feedback regarding the addendum to prohibit open carry by parade entries. We The People 4th of July Celebration Committee, Inc. thank all those who shared their concerns. After careful review, we rescind this addendum. [More]

Don’t tell us it’s going to be “We the People” if you mean it’s going to be “You the Rulers.”

So how many shootings did they have, and if the answer is “None,” what inferences can be drawn between why not every place could claim the same?

[Via bondmen]

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