ER Doctor’s Disarmament Diagnosis a Prescription for Tyranny

These infringements, as they always do, will only burden “law-abiding” people. Criminals will still get all the guns they want the old-fashioned way as they keep sending doctors more patients. [More]

If it walks like a gunquack and quacks like a gunquack…

I Know You Are But What Am I?

The Rise of the Right-Wing Tattletale [More]

Jackson Reffitt could not be reached for comment.

Neither could Al Sharpton, Facebook gun snitches, Trump, Amalgamated Bank, anyone from ATF, LA Crimestoppers, Kate Brown, NYPD… y’know, I could do this all day. And then some.

And now we’re the ones spreading misinformation.

So says Nature

Do I need to do another list…?

Mission Impossible

Medical Journal The Lancet Abandons Science, Tells Authors to Use ‘Sex Assigned at Birth’ – “…the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ can be ambiguous…” [More]

“Your assignment, if you chose to accept it…”

And “assigned” by whom…?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go put on a towel and fly around the yard.

[Via Michael G]

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