Tag: Mark Walters
Daily Defense Redux
Mark talks with David Codrea. Everytown, guns in cars narrative, and more [Listen]
Yesterday’s show for those who missed it and might care…
Daily Defense
I wonder how we’ll find anything to talk about for a whole hour… ?
Monster Show Redux
Tonight on Armed American Radio
8-11 pm Eastern…
“Original roundtable” at 9, eh…?
What was I talking about on this date 15 years ago…?
Wait… Dancing with the Stars isn’t on tonight, is it…?
Daily Defense Redux
Mark talks with David Codrea-Fudd gun store owner sells out gun owners [Listen]
That would be this story.
I literally had five minutes to get out an announcement before the show, so here’s the archived version for anyone who got the notice after the fact but wants to hear it.
Daily Defense
Mark Walters just called and asked if I’d like to join him this aft…in five minutes.
Listen/watch via the AAR website.
Daily Defense Redux
David Codrea says the quiet parts out-loud. [Listen]
Here’s yesterday’s Armed American Radio, in which I once more demonstrate my total unsuitability to coexist in a Democrat world.
Thing is, I ain’t going anywhere.
Daily Defense
I’ll be joining Armed American Radio host Mark Walters this afternoon at 4:00 Eastern to talk about whatever he wants to.
Go here to watch/listen/find a station near you.
And here’s more...
David Codrea the AAR OG joins the show today! [Listen]
Mark Walters and I solved all the problems of the world yesterday.
Daily Defense
Daily Defense Redux
Daily Defense
Go to the Armed American Radio website to listen/watch live or find a station near you.
Tonight on Armed American Radio
I’ll be calling in at 8:30 Eastern.
Go to the AAR website to listen/watch/find a station near you.
Daily Defense Redux
Commercial Free-Goat Guns attacked by stupid Moms Demand Action loser on Twitter-Can’t make this stuff up folks! [Listen]
I got a few comments in before my phone crapped out for good, and much of the remainder was based on this.
Daily Defense
Daily Defense Redux
Special guest David Codrea on stupid people [Listen]
With a world of hoplophobes out there, they’re not that hard to find, are they?
Here’s yesterday’s conversation with host Mark Walters.
Daily Defense
Mark Walters just called and asked me to join him on air this afternoon at 4 Eastern to talk about all the goings-on in the gun world.
Whatever will we find to talk about?
You know the drill: AAR website to listen/watch/find a station.
Daily Defense Redux
David Codrea talks Yale public policy Dean gaslighting congress and America [Listen]
ICYMI and that wasn’t intentional…
It’s interesting the information controllers say the Kennedy/Ranny exchange went…
Daily Defense
Go to the AAR website to listen/watch live/find a station near you.
Daily Defense Redux
David Codrea-4th circuit kills MD licensing scheme, and more! [Listen]
Record high gun ownership, why Americans are afraid, Secret Service “Only Ones,” Hunter the victim…all that, and I display my lack of depth regarding Beavis and Butthead.
Daily Defense
I gotta get a new picture– I haven’t worn glasses since I got my eyes done, what, four or five years ago now…?
Encore presentation with David Codrea [Listen]
Guess I’ll have to take time to find out which one and why…
Daily Defense Redux
11-09-23 HR 2 Special guest David Codrea joins the discussion – Armed American Radio [Listen]
Court developments, St. Louis aldermen, me having to pull off the highway to Santa Barbara to chug a pint of milk… all that with a venturi tube update, and more!
Daily Defense
I’ll be joining host Mark Walters at 5 pm Eastern to talk about… I dunno, something, I’m sure…
Go to the AAR website to listen/watch live or find a station near you.
Daily Double Dose
Go to the AAR website to listen/watch via live stream or to find a station near you.
And speaking for myself…
Daily Defense Redux
Wherein, among other things, host Mark Walters and I discuss spiders in Venturi tubes, Mark’s teeth, Alec Baldwin, background checks for 3D printers, GOP presidential candidates on 2A, and why I’m a proud “gun criminal.”
Daily Defense
TODAY on AAR Daily Defense it’s special guest @dcodrea David Codrea. [More]
Go to the AAR website to listen/watch via live streaming and/or find a station near you.
Host Mark Walters hasn’t told me what he wants to talk about, but I can guess. I also want to make sure we announce my two just-published pieces from AmmoLand and Firearms News.
Armed American Radio Redux
David Codrea talks Israel, leftist wackos and more before encountering a Salem radio Network error [Listen]
Funny, how the same Democrat cause célèbre bellyachers who want you and me disarmed applaud the slaughter of innocents as legitimate political discourse. That’s because they want us dead. We got through three segments in Wednesday’s “Daily Defense” and then everything shut down.
Daily Defense
I’m wondering what we could possibly have to talk about. To find out, go to the Armed American Radio website to stream and listen/watch live, or to find a broadcast radio station near you.