With ‘Republicans’ Like These, Who Needs Democrats?

Rep. Rich Lascelles (R-Litchfield), who we’ve trusted to stand with us, has co-sponsored this bill. Imagine the shock and betrayal – a representative who should be our advocate in the legislature is instead supporting legislation that could lead to the unjust confiscation of firearms from law-abiding citizens. This isn’t just about policy; it’s about the very principles of freedom and justice our nation was built upon. [More]

He doesn’t seem to be on X.com or Facebook to ratio his idiotic treachery, so if you want to tell him what you think about this, you’ll need to mail, email, or call him.

UPDATE: Looks like he pulled it before I posted this. Somebody talk to this guy and explain how things work.

Your Rights are What We Tell You They Are

Does the Second Amendment protect New Hampshire residents from prosecution if they temporarily carry their guns across the border into Massachusetts? The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court on Monday heard arguments on the disagreement between the two New England states. [More]

Don’t they know that unalienable rights are subject to place, time, and political whim? It’s almost like these people think they live in a free country or something.

[Via Jess]

Crossing the Line

New Hampshire residents who carry their legally owned guns when passing through Massachusetts should not be charged with any crimes, Attorney General John Formella argued in a brief supporting a legal challenge from two state residents facing criminal charges in the Bay State. [More]

Enjoy these arguments while you can. If Kamala wins, remaking SCOTUS and reversing Bruen will be top priorities.

[Via Jess]

Granite Staters: Today’s Five-Minute Activism

HB1050 is a restriction on Second Amendment rights, creates precedents for further restrictive measures, and impacts individuals’ rights to self-defense without adequately addressing the underlying issues related to firearm misuse. It creates an sneaky avenue for so-called ‘red flag’ attempts and is a backdoor gun registry attempt. [More]

Show me a “commonsense gun safety law” that isn’t a fraudulent power grab proposed by self-serving traitors and backed by useful idiots.

Ask Republicans if they’re interested in keeping their majority. And I wouldn’t waste my time on these traitors.

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