ATF ‘Brace Amnesty’ Is an Unworkable Entrapment that Dictates Terms of Surrender

“MAYBE what it will do is get some Member(s) of Congress to request GAO to do a forensic audit of the NFRTR to determine its accuracy and reliability,” another one of my “small cadre” advisors chimed in, pointing out the elephant in the room that “amnesty” proponents don’t much want to talk about. [More]

They have no authority to do it, they have no capability to do it, and on top of that, it’s a trap.  Sounds like SOP for ATF.

But Wait! There’s More!

I think my prototype needs some work. Perhaps add a shoelace…?

Due to the upcoming Amnesty Registration of Pistol Brace weapons, photos of the weapon being registered will be required to prove the weapon does utilize a pistol brace in its configuration and would qualify for an amnesty registration. [More]

And if you act now…

I’m kinda leaning this way

How do you copyright an OMB report…?

[Via Bluesgal]

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