Smoke and Mirrors

” I know, and I think many of the people on your panel know, that prosecutors do not have evidence in hand linking the effort of Enrique Tarrio, Stewart Rhodes, and other lieutenants of theirs, to Donald Trump. They do not have the smoking-gun evidence that shows that Donald Trump was directing an effort to violently overthrow the government. ” [More]

Considering the charges and the punishment, it doesn’t even look like they “have the smoking-gun evidence that shows that[Stewart Rhodes] was directing an effort to violently overthrow the government.”

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Seditious Conspiracies…

Thread: FBI agent lied under oath yesterday in federal prosecution trial. Admission of FBI fabrication of evidence, following orders to destroy hundreds of items of evidence, deleting exculpatory evidence from FBI’s Lync internal messaging system, and more. Judge excuses jury. [More]

This is how CNN is spinning it, and since they have the much larger audience, they win.

[Via WiscoDave]

The Finest Entrapment (Your) Money Can Buy

According to a Motion submitted this past Friday by a Proud Boys attorney, it appears the Government itself is the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns”. The 1776 Returns is the title of a document that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildings on January 6, 2021. [More]

Funny, who the real seditious conspirators are turning out to be…

[Via bondmen]

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